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What does the course cover?

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Learning skills with our team...

How Does it work?

Hi I'm Stu, one of your assessors for the Academy and the guy you'll see a lot of in the videos.  We've created a 12 week course that we will email through weekly.  It has videos to follow and pdf's to help. You learn the skill and then have a go at the assigned task.  

Each module covers a different stage of the production process that go into making a film so you'll get a brief introduction to many roles in the industry.  You'll learn skills to make your own films at home or school so you can grow your creative talents.



what do i need?

Hello I'm Cristian, ready to guide you through the course.

You will need your imagination!  The ability to manage your time to complete the tasks.

You'll use a camera, but you probably have one on your phone which is perfect for the job.  You don't need any fancy expensive gadgets to pass the course.

An email account where we can send our weekly course materials and 

a computer or tablet to edit on and upload your work.  That's it!

What help will i get?

Hello I'm Virge, ready to guide you through the course.

"Help is on hand for those who ask for it!" to paraphrase a certain magic headmaster.

Send us a message and we will get back to you within the week. 

You can also ask to book in a zoom session to speak to us directly if you are really struggling with understanding a task. 

WhaT happens when I submit the work?

Hi I'm Ollie, ready to guide you through the course.  

When you submit your work we will give you feedback to make sure you are on the path to successfully completing the course.Your assigned assessor will send you feedback on your tasks.  When all 12 modules have been completed and assessed you will receive your certificate of achievement and your DofE leader will be notified of your success qualifying your Bronze or Silver Skills section.

Best feedback.png

"I’m so glad I signed up for this course, I have learnt some amazing techniques and tricks along the way, and I hope that I can transfer these skills into the career path I’d like to pursue; a wildlife cameraman"  (Myles, Age 14)


"LemonWedge Film Academy has been an amazing experience and well-rounded insight into the process of filmmaking. There is a perfect balance of learning and creating, and you have a lot of freedom to choose what you produce. I would recommend this course to anyone who enjoys being creative and trying something new!" (Emily, Age 15)


"The part of the course I enjoyed the most was the practical parts: going out with a camera and sorting out what goes where, how I’m going to execute my film, and what the lighting is going to be like" (Oliver, Age 15)


"A great course that covers the fundamental processes of filmmaking with clear explanations and fun tasks for you to complete, which you get in-depth feedback for too!" (Alex, Age 15)


" Well I can say, from our point of view, that you pitched it perfectly for a 14 year old (and 47 year old!)....I’ve fed back to school that it was an incredibly positive experience and recommended that they suggest LemonWedge to the next cohort." (Lucy, Age 47)

When can you start?

NOW!  You can sign-up for your place now. 


The course can begin the first Monday following your sign up.  There is no fixed start date. 


Once signed up you will receive an email asking you when you would like to start the course. 


What does the course cost?

Usual course price £ 120

* Special Offer  Sign up before the end of the month and pay only £ 90.00 *







Flashing Purple Arrow

The course is sent out via email so please add to your safe senders list on your email account.


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